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Registers a Mobile Session Print server at the ThinPrint Notification Service (TPNS). For more information, see Registering Mobile Session Print server on TPNS.


Set-RegisterServer -EMail <String> -HostName <String> -Step <Int32>

Parameter Description
-EMail • E-mail address of the AD user who registers the Mobile Session Print server
• Her/his mail domain is then decisive for the registration of the mobile devices.
• Their users must be members of the same domain.
-HostName URL of the Mobile Session Print server to be registered, e. g.
-Step 1 = initiate the registration
2 = finish the registration


Variable values are indicated in orange.

  • step 1: initiating the registration (upper arrow in next screenshot):

Set-RegisterServer -EMail [email protected] -HostName https://tp-lics-06 -Step 1

  • Click the Verify button in the registration mail (arrow in second screenshot). The landing page appears automatically in the web browser (last screenshot).
  • step 2: finishing the registration (lower arrow in next screenshot):

Set-RegisterServer -EMail [email protected] -HostName https://tp-lics-06 -Step 2

  • The message Register result: 0 appears in PowerShell.
Mobile Session Print server successfully registered on the TPNS (Register result: 0)

Mobile Session Print server successfully registered on the TPNS (Register result: 0)

click Verify to confirm the registration

click Verify to confirm the registration

web browser: registration confirmation

web browser: registration confirmation

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