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ThinPrint logging

Administrator permissions

Windows services

Log management

The ThinPrint Logging tab in the TPDU console offers the opportunity (for major components) to write events into a log file.

The page is divided into two sections:

  • Services
  • Logging

Administrator permissions

If you have started the TPDU without administrator rights, then you have the oppor­tunity to add them here.

  • Click on Run with Elevated Privileges, to proceed with admin rights (arrow). This button is only visible if the TPDU is running without admin rights.

ThinPrint Diagnostic Utility (TPDU): assigning elevated privileges

Windows services

If logging is turned on for a component (see below), and then Apply, rather than Apply and Restart Services is selected, then this message will be displayed: “One or more ser­vices require a restart before the changes can take effect”.

Note!  After selecting logging for a specific component a restart of the relevant service is required for activating the logging.

To restart manually, you can select the respective services individually, and then manually restart them with the Restart Selected Service button.

Menu / Table columnDescription
Servicename of the Windows service
Statusstatus of the service
Path to Executablepath to .exe file that represents this service
Restart Selected Servicerestart the highlighted service
File→ Re-scan or F5information is rescanned

ThinPrint Diagnostic Utility (TPDU): restarting selcted Windows services

Log management

To simplify handling, and to gain a better overview, various related components have been combined to form groups (see screeshot below), e. g.:

  • Thinmon.dll, TPWPMon.log, TPVMMon.log and TPFMSMon.log to the ThinPrint Port Monitors group
  • TPClnt.dll, Thn32Svc.exe and TPView.dll to the ThinPrint Client group

Note! After selecting logging for a specific component a restart of the relevant service is required for activating the logging.
Furthermore, all users must have the permissions for reading, writing and modifying the log files in the given path (see Browse).

Menu / Table columnDescription
checkbox in the column headerenable all available components globally for logging; see Enable all below
checkbox for a single com­ponentselect the component/s
Componentname of the component
Availablelist of all ThinPrint or Personal Printing components installed on the local computer
Unavailablelist of components either not found or not installed locally
Logging Statelogging enabled or disabled 

 size of the log file
 is highlighted in yellow if the file size exceeds 100 MByte
 is highlighted in red if the file size exceeds 300 MByte
Note: With increasing size – especially over 300 MByte – the performance of the component decreases.


 select log file path
 Note! All users must have the permissions for reading, writing and mod­ifying the log files in the given path.
 if not selected, all log files are stored by default in the Temp folder of the user currently logged on – specifically in c:\Users\<user_name>\Appdata\Local\Temp\TPLogs\ 


 enable logging for the selected component/s

 disable logging for the selected component/s

Apply and Restart Servicesenable/disable logging and restart the relevant Windows service
Enable all

enable all available components globally for logging

(see checkbox in the column header, above)

Disable alldisable all available components globally for logging
Open log file locationopen the folder in which the relevant log file is located
File Re-scan or F5information is rescanned

ThinPrint Diagnostic Utility (TPDU): enabling ThinPrint logging

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