ThinPrint Management Center – Documentation

Basic configuration of Management Center

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See also the sample scenario.

  • Open the Management Center configuration console.
Opening the Management Center console

opening the Management Center console

  • Click OK to confirm.
Note that Management Center is not yet configured

note that Management Center is not yet configured

  • Specify the SQL server.
  • Enter the (noted) name and user account for the Management Center’s data­base.
  • Click OK to confirm.
Entering the database credentials

entering the database credentials

  • Enable Extra→ View→ Show Comments in Treeview.
Management Center: enabling the view of comments

Management Center: enabling the view of comments

  • Select Locations→ New.
Management Center: creating a new Location

Management Center: creating a new Location

  • Enter a name of a branch office (here: Helsinki).
  • Click Create to confirm. Click Close.
Management Center: entering a location name

Management Center: entering a location name

  • Select All ThinPrint Client Devices→ New.
Management Center: adding a ThinPrint Client

Management Center: adding a ThinPrint Client

  • Enter the local print server’s hostname (here: lps-8).
  • Select the Location. Click Create to confirm.
Management Center: entering local print server’s address and selecting its Location

Management Center: entering local print server’s address and selecting its Location

  • Enter the workstation’s hostname (here: ws-87)
  • Click Create to confirm. Click Close.
Management Center: entering workstation’s address and selecting its Loca­tion

Management Center: entering workstation’s address and selecting its Loca­tion

  • Select All ThinPrint Client Devices→ Get Configuration to retrieve the printer lists from the ThinPrint Clients.
Management Center: retrieving the printer lists from ThinPrint Clients

Management Center: retrieving the printer lists from ThinPrint Clients

  • Click OK to confirm.
Management Center: printer lists retrieved successfully

Management Center: printer lists retrieved successfully

  • The client printers will be shown.
Management Center: local print server’s printer list

Management Center: local print server’s printer list

  • Select Central Print Servers→ New.
Management Center: adding a central print server (= target server)

Management Center: adding a central print server (= target server)

  • Enter the central print server’s hostname or the IP address (here: vmee-n0ps)
  • Click Create to confirm. Click Close.
Management Center: entering the server address

Management Center: entering the server address

  • Select Connections→ New.
Management Center: creating a new Connection

Management Center: creating a new Connection

  • Enter any name for connection settings (here: HLSNK, maximum 5 characters with Windows 2008 R2 clusters)
  • Select the Central Print Server.
  • Select the Location.
  • Click Create to confirm. Click Close.
Management Center: entering the Connection name and selecting both the central print server and the Location

Management Center: entering the Connection name and selecting both the central print server and the Location

  • Select Connections→ HLSNK→ Edit Printers.
Management Center: opening the printer list of the new Connection

Management Center: opening the printer list of the new Connection

  • Click Select All and then OK.
Management Center: edition the Connection’s printer list

Management Center: edition the Connection’s printer list


Creating printers on the central print server

Now the just selected printers will be created on the central print server automati­cally.

  • Select Central Print Servers→ vmee-n0ps→ Apply Configuration.
Management Center: applying the printers to the central print server (= creating the printer objects)

Management Center: applying the printers to the central print server (= creating the printer objects)

  • Click Yes to confirm.
Management Center: confirming the message

Management Center: confirming the message

  • Click OK to confirm.
Management Center: printers created successfully

Management Center: printers created successfully

Result: Four printers have been created on the central print server (here: Lexmark and 3 HP).

Printers folder on the central print server: created printers

Printers folder on the central print server: created printers


Configuring AutoConnect

Now the printer information of the Management Center will be exported for AutoCon­nect’s Dynamic Printer Matrix.

  • Select Central Print Servers→ Export to CSV.
Management Center: exporting printer information to an AutoConnect CSV file

Management Center: exporting printer information to an AutoConnect CSV file

  • Specify a file name. Click Save to confirm.
Management Center: specifying the CSV file name

Management Center: specifying the CSV file name

  • Change to the Dynamic Printer Matrix on the Active Directory Server.
  • Select Import Configuration (upper arrow).
  • Select the .csv file and click Open to confirm.

Caution! An existing configuration will be overwritten.

AutoConnect GPO: importing the export file into the Dynamic Printer Matrix

AutoConnect GPO: importing the export file into the Dynamic Printer Matrix

  • The new Dynamic Printer Matrix’s settings will appear. Click OK to confirm
AutoConnect GPO: export file imported into the Dynamic Printer Matrix

AutoConnect GPO: export file imported into the Dynamic Printer Matrix


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