ThinPrint Management Center – Documentation

MC troubleshooting

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Message history

When working with the Management Center, message windows occasionally pop up. If such a message appears, check whether an exclamation mark in a red circle appears in the lower right corner of the console. In this case, you receive more information if you select the Show Messages option (right mouse button or dou­ble-click).

Using the Copy to data clipboard button you can copy all messages to the clip­board. Clear (Messages) or restarting the Management Center deletes all mes­sages. (Maximum 100000 messages are charged with; first in, first out.)

Confirming message and opening the description with Show Messages

confirming message and opening the description with Show Messages

Reading the description and copying, if needed (example)

reading the description and copying, if needed (example)


To get more detailed information what happened exactly the first way is to have a look at the Message History (see above). In case this information isn’t sufficiently you can enable logging temporarily.

  • Only copy the file NLog.config into Management Center’s program directory. Then the Management Center creates the log file Printermanager.log in the same directory automatically.
  • Copy the following lines into a text file to create the file NLog.config yourselves:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns=""
        <target name="DebugLevel" xsi:type="File" fileName="${basedir}/Printermanager.log"
             layout="${longdate} ${level} ${threadid} ${message} ${stacktrace}" />
        <logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="DebugLevel" />

Solving issues

The table below lists some messages and gives suggestions for solving the problem.

Message / Problem Suggested solution
“Your operating system must be at least Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 to continue the ins­tallation.” • Install the Management Center on a machine with one of the operation systems Windows 7 SP1 x86 or x64 or Windows Server 2008 R2 on which the Microsoft hotfix KB2493115 is installed too.
• The Management Center installer doesn’t (yet) support Win­dows 8 and Windows Server 2012. However, the Manage­ment Center can manage central print servers running Win­dows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 remotely.
“ThinPrint License Manager is requi­red to install this product but can not be found.” • The installer has been started on an OS which is not sup­ported (see System requirements).
• Whether no ThinPrint component is installed (anymore) delete the following Registry keys:
“The application is not yet configu­red.” You have started the Management Center the first time. Begin the Management Center setup (see Setting up the Driver Pool).
The Management Centers console’s start takes to long (e. g. more than two minutes). Check whether a antivirus software slows the process down.
“The operation has not been success­fully completed” Select Show Messages to get a more detailed description (see above).
V-Layer: Timeout with transmitting print jobs of all users (also of admins) from the Output Gateway object to the native printer object • Check whether the name resolution by the DNS works prop­erly (both lookup and reverse lookup) – in particular for the Management Center machine and the central print server – and translates the names into IPv4 addresses. If the DNS returns an IPv6 address, disable IPv6.
• Delete the V-Layer printer pair and then re-create it using the Management Center.
V-Layer: Print jobs of normal users disappear while the Output Gateway printer object is paused (by way of trial). • Up to ThinPrint 9.0: Check whether the option Render print jobs on client computers is disabled in the printer (object) properties.
• Windows Server 2008 SP1 (x86 and x64): Install the Micro­soft hotfixes KB958741 (Print Job Owner) and KB958656 (Client Side Rendering) or SP2 both on RD Session Hosts and central print servers.
• Check whether the Output Gateway driver version on source and target machine match.
V-Layer: Print jobs from normal users disappear on the way from the Out­put Gateway printer object to the (test paused) native printer object. • Check whether valid and sufficient license keys are installed on the print server.
• Assign the permission Manage Printers to the Everyone group of the respective native printer driver’s template (partic­ularly in case of the print spooler event ID 372).
• Enable the option Share native V-Layer printer objects in the settings of the respective Connection.
• Share the respective native printer (object) manually (up to ThinPrint 9.0: option Render print jobs on client computers disabled).
• Check whether the Output Gateway driver version on source and target machine match.
V-Layer: Bitmaps won’t be printed. • Check on the Template Server if the respective Output Gateway template is set to No images in Advanced→ Printing Defaults.
• On this Output Gateway template, change any option in Advanced→ Printing Defaults and save it using Apply or OK. Then delete the V-Layer and recreate it.
Can I abort Apply Configuration when the first error occurs? Yes. Select Extra→ Error Handling→ Halt on Error (see Global settings).
The information in parentheses after the designations of nodes is missing. Select Extra→ View→ Show Comments in Treeview (see Global settings).
“The import is not available” See the System requirements.
“The software you are installing (for this hardware – Printers –) has not passed Windows logo testing …” A printer driver is not signed by Microsoft. Don’t use unsigned drivers.
Unter Extra→ Application Settings erscheint der gesuchte SQL-Server nicht. The SQL server cannot be reached or is not running, or the Win­dows service SQL Server Browser is not running.
“The password for access to data­base is invalid.” • Check the SQL database password
• Database could not be found or is not accessible.
Error 27502. Could not connect to Microsoft SQL Server ‘MGMTCENTER03 \ SQLEXPRESS’. Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHO­RITY\ANONYMUS LOGON’. (18456) The remote SQL server can be reached but the used account has not the permissions to create a new database.
“Invalid operation. The connection is closed.“ The SQL server connection is lost. Select Extra→ Application Settings then OK. Or restart the Management Center to recon­nect to the SQL database.
“Failed to restrict the database against inappropriate usage. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.” A new Management Center version had tried to update an older database. But this database is blocked by another user access.
Disconnect all connections to the database and repeat the update (e. g., by restarting the Management Center).
“The connection to the database could not be established. Following error(s) occured: The database is already used by the Management Center or does not exist.” • The database is blocked by another user access. Disconnect all connections to the database and repeat the action.
• After an update, the database is blocked by the update script. Simply repeat the action.
“An error occurred while attempting to query ‘’. The recei­ved answer was not valid.“ • Check whether the ThinPrint Client or Connection Service is accessible from the Management Center machine via the TCP port which is configured in Locations (e. g., using telnet 4000).
• Check whether the file version of TPHelper.dll (in Manage­ment Center’s program folder) is at least 2.0.99. If not, install the Management Center version which is delivered with ThinPrint 10.6 FR1 (or later); installer version 2.2.77 (x64) or 2.2.183 (x86).
 “An error occurred while attempting to query ‘’. The connection was permanently rejected by the client.“ Probably the ThinPrint Client does not (yet) support the Auto­Connect protocol required by the Get Configuration function. In this case, enter the printer names manually to ThinPrint Client’s printer list (Edit option)
“Object reference not set to an instance of an object“


Maybe the respective ThinPrint Client Device was moved to another Location after creating printers (on the central print server). To solve this problem perform the following steps:
• Remove the respective Connection using Remove and then Force Remove (instead of Apply Configuration).
• Restart the Management Center console.Should the problem still exists perform the following after removing the respective Connection additionally:
• Remove the respective ThinPrint Client Device.
• Remove the respective Location.
• Recreate all removed objects (Location, ThinPrint Client Device and Connection).
An Output Gateway printer object has not been created and the mes­sage “SrvPrinter. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Sys­tem.NullReferenceException” appeared. Make sure that both the forward and the reverse name resolu­tion by the DNS works properly with all involved computers – in particular with the License Server. Does the DNS translate the names into IPv4 addresses? If the DNS returns an IPv6 address, disable IPv6.
“An error occured while attempting to query ‘’. The reques­ted name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. (0x00002afc)” • Maybe that the used IP address is from another domain. Use its FQDN instead.
• Check to make sure that driver pool and Template Server can be reached.
“The address of ThinPrint Client device has no valid TPUID format” Use the client ID of the ThinPrint client as an address in the properties of the ThinPrint client devices.
“The printer ‘Canon iR5570/iR6570 PCL#36:6’ is invalid. The share is not valid.” Remove the slash in the share name (in the column Share)
“Input string was not in a correct for­mat.” • Check whether the ThinPrint Client Windows version is at least 8.0.
• Use the V-Layer print mode for this ThinPrint Client.
• In ThinPrint Client Windows, disable the option Enable send­ing properties.
In the Port column of ThinPrint Cli­ent Devices the WMI information is displayed. But the Port Type column appears empty Check to make sure the respective computer is a domain mem­ber.
“Skip retrieving port information from ThinPrint Client ’55’. The connection mode does not support the feature.” Deactivate Get port information via WMI in the ThinPrint Cli­ent Device’s settings (because of the Connection Service doesn’t support WMI).
Add New Driver does not work in the Edit ThinPrint Client Device menu. With closing the window maybe the following message appears: “Failed to save the changes to the Client Printer Drivers. Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table ‘SOURCEDRIVER’ when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.” Add the needed driver name manually. On this, proceed as fol­lows:
• Save the configuration with File→ Save Configuration and create a backup copy of the XML file.
• Open the XML file using an editor and search for a string as the following:

<NAME>HP 2500C Series PS3</NAME>

• Add a new string below this current one – e. g.:

<NAME>new driver name</NAME>

• Note that the new Sourcedriver_ID must not exist before­hand (here: 99).
• Save the XML file and import it to the Management Center using File→ Open >Configuration. Then, the new driver name will appear in the Edit ThinPrint Client Device menu.

“A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the ser­ver. (provider: TCP provider, error: 0 – An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)” Problems with SQL database access.
• Simply repeat the last action.
• Open the SQL server connection settings (Extra→ Applica­tion Settings) and click OK to confirm. The SQL database will be re-connected.
With a Group of Central Print Servers some ThinPrint Ports are listed more than once. Select Extra→ Application Settings then OK. Or restart the Management Center to refresh the display of SQL server data.
 “File must be placed in driverpool.” Copy all required (original) drivers from the printer manufactur­ers to the Driver Pool directory or a subdirectory of it (see Sys­tem requirements).
 “Some printer drivers could not be removed because they are still in use.” In the Central Print Server Drivers node, those drivers cannot be deleted for which a template exists or which have been checked in the Edit Printers menu of a Connection.
The Management Center cannot delete a printer with the management_center_icon_33.jpg icon. • Check whether a print job is to be printed by this printer.
• Runtime problem: Simply repeat the last action.
• Restart the Management Center and repeat the last action.
“EnumPrinterDriver failed on print­server–01. The RPC server is unavailable. (No. 1722)” • Check to make sure the entered addresses of Template Server and central print servers can be reached.
• Check to make sure at least one printer is shared on the target computer – with failover clusters on the print spooler instance.
• Check to make sure the print spoolers are running on both servers (ThinPrint Engine and Management Center).
• Check the domain membership of both servers.
• Check whether the name resolution by the DNS works prop­erly (both lookup and reverse lookup) and translates the names into IPv4 addresses. If the DNS returns an IPv6 address, disable IPv6.
“'<hostname>’ does not reference a print spooler ressource. Please use instead the network name of the print spooler – cluster group.” gefolgt von: “Opening of key PrinterDriverData of printer _Template_Lexmark Univer­sal on <hostname> failed [0].” und “Value cannot be null. Parameter name collection” • Probably a template should be installed on a node of a failover cluster. This is not supported.
• Select a normal server as Template Server instead.
“Installation of printer Lexmark T630#tpw2307:4 on ps failed. Index was outside the bounds of the array.” Connection settings: Choose a lower value for Maximum connec­tion bandwidth (bit/s).
“Failed to set the Port for Printer “HPColorLaserJet4700” on Connec­tion “CS”. Please deploy Connections with the “One Port per Printer” Fea­ture one by one.“ Connection settings: If you enabled the option One port per printer select Apply for each of these Connections individually – thus not for all Connections at the same time and not per print server.
“Creating printer … on printsever–02 failed. The RPC server is unavailable. (No. 1722)” Check to make sure the Print Spoolers are running on the respective print server(s).
“Creating printer … on printser­ver–02 failed. The remote procedure call failed. (No. 1726)” • Check to make sure the Print Spoolers are running on the respective print server(s).
• Probably the printer uses a driver which cannot be installed remotely. Install the respective printer driver (provided by the printer manufacturer) manually on the print server, or use a driver provided by the operating system.
“… port … on printserver–02 could not be created. The printer name is invalid. (No. 1801)” • The printer port for a V-Layer printer could not be created. Possibly the Print Spooler doesn’t run.
• If error 1726 occurred at the same time, see there.
“Creating printer … on printser­ver–02 failed because of missing V-Layer port.” • A printer could not be created because the printer port to which it should be connected doesn’t exist.
• If error 1726 or 1801 occurred at the same time, see there.
“Copying native printer settings form Lexmark-T650# to Lexmark-T650 failed. External component has thrown an excep­tion.” • For a V-Layer printer pair, the driver properties can’t be copied from the native to the Output Gateway printer object.
• Restart the Management Center.
“EnumPrinterDriver failed on localhost. The parameter is incorrect. (No. 87)” • The target server cannot be reached.
• Check to make sure the entered addresses of Template Server and central print servers can be reached.
• Don’t use Alias names in your DNS.
• If the print server is a failover cluster use the address of a print spooler instance as the print server address instead of the address of the cluster instance or a cluster node.
Check to make sure the cluster instance is online.
 “Driver TP Output Gateway is mis­sing on Central Print Server ps1.” With failover clusters the TP Output Gateway driver has to be installed not only on each cluster node but also on the print spooler instance (here: ps1).
“Port on ps1 could not be created. Marshaling packet signature is inva­lid.” With failover clusters at least one ThinPrint Port has to be installed (manually) on the print spooler instance (here: ps1).
See also the message “The RPC server is unavailable” (above).
The message: “Querying port ‘BLN_1:’ on ‘vmee-n0ps’ failed.” appears in the Management Center’s Message History.

Or in the print server’s ThinPrint Port Manager appears the message: “Error occurred. Could not get port information. (0x8007000d)”

On a 2008 R2 failover cluster running ThinPrint Engine 8.0:
• Create only ThinPrint Ports with maximum 8 characters.
• Install the Thinmon.dll hotfix (v8.0.876.2 or later)
• Update the ThinPrint Engine to version 8.6 or later.
ThinPrint Port couldn’t be deleted. • There are printers which are connected to this port.
• Runtime problem: Simply repeat the last action.
“The driver installation for Windows Version 6 and higher failed. Step 1: Driver Upload Driver … The system cannot find the path specified.” • To be able to install the printer driver a Windows update is necessary again on the Management Center machine.
• Install the respective driver manually on the target server (in the Print Server Properties menu).
• With uninstallation of drivers shipped with Windows never select the option Remove driver and driver package but always Remove driver only.
“The driver installation for Windows Version 6 and higher failed. Step 1: Driver Upload Driver: TP Output Gateway, Architecture: Windows x64, Machine: printserver1 An attempt was made to acquire a mutant such that its maximum count would have been exceeded. (Excep­tion from HRESULT: 0x8007024B)“ Maybe that the ThinPrint Engine version of the target systems is lower than the version of Output Gateway on the Management Center machine which is to be installed per driver update (e. g. 9.0 instead of 10 or 9.2 instead of 9.4).
• If applicable, update the ThinPrint Engine on the target sys­tem.
 “The printer Lexmark T630_n_#tpw2307:4 could not be modified. Information level 2. The print processor is unknown.” The printer driver versions on the Management Center machine and on the target server use different print processors. Choose a printer driver with the same print processor on both systems – advantageously the one shipped with Windows (WinPrint).
 “The printer Lexmark T630#PS01:10 could not be modi­fied. Information level 2. The para­meter is incorrect. (0x00000057)“ Check whether the ThinPrint Port ThinPort: still exists on the central print server. This printer port was created by the ThinPrint Engine installer and must not be removed.
 “Querying printer OKI C5510_n_#ws-87:5 on vmee-n0ps failed. Access is denied. (0x00000005)” Check whether a printer driver uses an own spooler-dependent Windows service (e. g. OKI OPHF DCS Loader). Assign another printer driver instead and restart the Management Center after­wards.”
“Skip installation of template … because of missing printer driver.” • Install the respective printer driver manually on the Template Server, enter the path to the relevant .inf file (see Printer driv­ers), and / or enable the option Install Driver in the Driver Pool (see Printer drivers and Template Server).
• Restart the Management Center.
• Restart the Template Server.
• Remove the respective printer driver from the Template Server and reinstall it.
“Installing template _Template_OKI C5510 on failed. The printer driver is unknown. (0x00000705)” After creating a template, maybe this template and its driver was removed manually from the Template Server.
• Disable the Template Server (Extra→ View→ Enable Tem­plate Server) and enable it again.
• Restart the Management Center.
 “TemplatePrinter. Installing template _Template_TP Output Gateway on failed. The printer driver is unknown. (0x00000705)” The Output Gateway template cannot be installed because its driver isn’t installed on the target machine (here: Template Server on
• Copy the Output Gateway driver from the central print server (C:\Program Files\Common Files\ThinPrint\Virtual Printer\TPOG3) to the Template Server (here: Management Center machine) and install it there.
 “The driver installation for Windows Version 6 and higher failed. … The installation routine requested a file that could not be found. This usually indicates that the driver is not fully compatible with the target operating system.” • Install the respective printer driver manually on the central print server.
• Check whether there is a more recent version available for the driver in question.
• Remove the respective printer driver from the print server and reinstall it.
“Driver … is missing on Central Print Server printserver–02.” • Install the respective printer driver manually on the central print server. Or enable the option Install Driver in the Driver Pool (see Printer drivers and Template Server) and enter the path to the relevant .inf file (see Printer drivers).
• Remove the respective printer driver from the print server and reinstall it.
“Installation of driver … on … failed. The system cannot find the path spe­cified. (No. 3)” Check whether you have specified the right path to the relevant .inf file on the computer on which the Driver Pool has been set up.
“[printserver–03] No suitable Prints­erver Driver for Source Driver ‘Alps MD-2010 (MS)’ found.” Assign Driver Free Printing, V-Layer, or Native Printing in the rel­evant Connection properties. Enable the checkbox of the printer and click OK to confirm (see Driver Free Printing vs. V-Layer vs. Native Printing).
Repeat the procedure which caused this message.
“Port on printserver–02 could not be created. Generic failure” Check whether a ThinPrint Engine is installed on the target machine.
“Removing port VCG_1: from cps51 failed. Generic failure” • There are printers still connected to this port.
• Runtime problem. Repeat the last action.
Printer creation takes long, i. e., Man­agement Center works too slow (normally 10 to 30 Output Gateway objects per minute can be created). • Check your Management-Center-Version. Often Version 2.2 is considerably faster than 2.1.
• With Number of ThinPrint Ports per central print server don’t specify more than 20 to 25 Ports because each printer of this Connection must be connected to all ports. Use the option One port per printer instead or split the respective Connection into multiple Connections.
• Additionally, the general rule is: (length of Connection name + 4) x number of pooled ports ≤ 200
• Which print mode is used? Driver Free Printing or V-Layer? Driver Free Printing could be slow if a ThinPrint Client can’t be reached.
• Are the printer drivers to be installed remotely?
• Check whether the name resolution by the DNS works prop­erly (both lookup and reverse lookup) and translates the names into IPv4 addresses. If the DNS returns an IPv6 address, disable IPv6.
• Does the target machine have performance problems, e. g. RAM insufficient or hard disk almost full?
Whenever I try to add (check) or remove (uncheck) a printer in the Connection’s Edit Printers menu the OK button becomes greyed out. Maybe that one of the printer or share names of this Connection is also used in another Connection.
• First, update the Management Center if it is not up-to-date.
• Check whether the same error also occurs with another Con­nection. If so, identify the printer and rename both the printer and share in both Connections.
• Remove the Connection/s in question – including performing Apply Configuration – and then recreate it/them.
“Value cannot be nul. Parameter name: collection” • Maybe that a database error occured with creating a Connec­tion:
• Check whether a Connection name contains an underscore ( _ ) followed by an alphabetic character.
• Check whether two Connections use the same denomina­tion.If so, remove the affected Connections, restart the Management Center console and recreate the Connections.
 “Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.The statement has been terminated.” See above “Value cannot be nul. Parameter name: collection”.
Some printer properties missing with printers installed by the Management Center. • Configure the printer driver pre-settings on the Template Server (V-Layer and Native Printing) or on the client machines (Driver Free Printing). (see Printer drivers and Template Server)
• Ensure that the Remote Registry service is running on the cen­tral print server.
Printer settings on the Template Server or on client machines do not affect the printers already installed on the central print servers. • Select Apply Configuration again for the respective Connec­tion.
• Deactivate the appropriate printers in the relevant Connection properties and select Apply Configuration for this Connec­tion. The appropriate printer objects will be uninstalled on the central print servers.
• Activate the appropriate printers in the relevant Connection properties again and select Apply Configuration for this Con­nection. The appropriate printer objects will be installed on the central print servers and then the settings will be copied from the Template Server (V-Layer and Native Printing) or from the client machines (Driver Free Printing).
• See also the following message.
Printer list of ThinPrint Client Service Windows is empty after starting Win­dows Restart the TP Client Service Windows manually. If the printer list appears change the start type to a delayed start – either using the start type Automatic (Delayed Start) or per script (start type: Manual):

ping -n 30 >NUL
net start Thn32svc

 “Client printer properties for printer ‘Kyocera FS-1700+#helsinki–01:2’ on ‘printserver’ are not available, switch to default.” During printer creation with Driver Free Printing mode a ThinPrint Client cannot be reached or the printer driver in ques­tion doesn’t send its properties.
• Check the device is switched on and the ThinPrint Client is running (see Printer drivers and Template Server as well as Driver Free Printing vs. V-Layer vs. Native Printing).
• Delete the printer in question from the Connection and then run Apply Configuration. Afterwards re-create this printer.
• On the client-side, select another driver for the printer in ques­tion.
• Change the print mode from Driver Free Printing to V-Layer for the printer in question.
“An error occurred while attempting to query ‘ws-88.clus.vm’. Unknown protocol version. The client needs to be updated.” • The target machine is not accessible.
• No connection to the ThinPrint Client. Check the Firewall set­tings.
• Is the ThinPrint Client running?
“Error while connecting to ‘vmee-n0ps’. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.” Server or print spooler instance is not accessible.
• Check whether the server is running or the failover cluster’s print spooler instance is online.
“Error while connecting to ‘vmee-dc’. Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_AC­CESSDENIED))” Check whether the respective machine can be accessed (here: vmee-dc).
“… No such host is known. (No. 11001)”


“The address of the ThinPrint Client Device is missing.”

No connection to the ThinPrint Client on a computer, appliance or network printer.
• Check whether the device is switched on, a connection exists and the host name or IP address is correct.
• Check whether a Reverse Lookup entry exists in the DNS or add the ThinPrint Client address to the hosts file of the com­puter the Management Center is installed on.
“… No such host is known. (0x00002af9)” Connection Service cannot be reached.
• Check whether a connection exists and the host name or IP address of the Connection Service machine is correct.
• Check whether a Reverse Lookup entry exists in the DNS or add the Connection Service address to the hosts file of the computer the Management Center is installed on.
“Error while connecting to ‘printser­ver–03’. A connection attempt failed … (No. 10060)” No connection to the computer or appliance.
• Check whether the device is switched on, a connection exists and the host name or IP address is correct.
• Check also the domain membership.
• Check whether the name resolution by the DNS works prop­erly (both lookup and reverse lookup) and translates the names into IPv4 addresses. If the DNS returns an IPv6 address, disable IPv6.
“Error while connecting to ‘’. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. (No. 10061)” ThinPrint Client or Connection Service is not running on the respective machine (or appliance). Check whether the ThinPrint Client or Connection Service is enabled and / or started.
With central print servers: Map any printer share once from the central print server to the computer the Management Center is running on.
“An error occured while attempting to query ‘lps-8’. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. (0x0000274d)” • Check whether the respective machine can be reached per ping
• Check whether the name resolution by the DNS works prop­erly (both lookup and reverse lookup) and translates the names into IPv4 addresses. If the DNS returns an IPv6 address, disable IPv6.
“Transmission failed. No data was received.” • Check the name resolution by the DNS (forward and reverse) of the central print server and the Connection Service machine. Does the DNS translate the names into IPv4 addresses? If the DNS returns an IPv6 address, disable IPv6.
• Restart the Management Center machine if can’t retrieve data from a ThinPrint Client via the Connection Service.
“Error while connecting to ‘’: The ThinPrint Client Device does not support the command. Unspecified error (No. -2147467259)” Connection Service or one of its ThinPrint Clients cannot be accessed.
• Check whether the IP address of the server (the Management Center is running on) has been set up in the Connection Ser­vice.
• Check whether the ThinPrint Clients are connected to the Con­nection Service.
Error while connecting to ‘’. An established connection was aborted by the soft­ware in your host machine. (No. 10053) Connection Service or one of its ThinPrint Clients cannot be accessed.
• Check whether the IP address of the server (the Management Center is running on) has been set up in the Connection Ser­vice.
• Check whether the ThinPrint Clients are connected to the Con­nection Service.
• Make sure that Management Center and Connection Service run on different machines.
An empty windows (GUI) appears with remote configuration of ThinPrint Client. • Check whether the value RmtConf has been set properly in the ThinPrint Client’s Windows registry.
• Please note that only TCP/IP type of ThinPrint Client Windows can be configured remotely.
“Error while connecting to ‘’. An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (No. 10054)” Connection Service or one of its ThinPrint Clients cannot be accessed.
• Check whether the IP address of the server (the Management Center is running on) has been set up in the Connection Ser­vice.
• Check the domain membership of both servers the Manage­ment Center and the Connection Service are installed on.
• Check whether the name resolution by the DNS works prop­erly (both lookup and reverse lookup) and translates the names into IPv4 addresses. If the DNS returns an IPv6 address, disable IPv6.
• Check whether the ThinPrint Clients are connected to the Con­nection Service.
“Error while connecting to ‘’. No such inter­face supported. (No. -2147467262)” • Check the domain membership of both servers the Manage­ment Center and the Connection Service are installed on.
• Check whether the name resolution by the DNS works prop­erly (both lookup and reverse lookup) and translates the names into IPv4 addresses. If the DNS returns an IPv6 address, disable IPv6.
• Check whether the ThinPrint Clients are connected to the Con­nection Service.

Access is denied …”

Check the user accounts of the target computer and of the com­puter that the Management Center was installed on. Make sure that all servers are members of the same domain (the same Active Directory).
 “No license found!” Check the validity of the license key for the Management Center (see the columns Valid Until and Activa­ted).
“Invalid license!” Check the validity of the ThinPrint license keys on the central print servers and on the computer that the Management Center was installed on (see the columns Valid Until and Activated).
To avoid issues with Management Center licenses disable the Windows explorer option “Automatically search for network fold­ers and printers” per Policy for all PCs and / or users.
“An error occurred while attempting to query ‘’. A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (0x0000274c)” • The target computer cannot be reached (e. g. to retrieve the properties of native printer drivers).
• Check the TCP port number for connecting the target com­puter (e. g. in the properties of the relevant Location).
• With using the Connection Service, maybe that the relevant ThinPrint Client isn’t connected to the Connection Service.
• Check the validity of the ThinPrint license keys on the central print server or on the license server.
• Make sure that the properties of the relevant printer are retrieved only manually but not automatically (see Device set­tings with universal printer drivers).
• For the relevant printer, select the V-Layer print mode (with Edit Printers on the relevant Connection) instead of Driver Free Printing (see Driver Free Printing vs. V-Layer vs. Native Printing), or install another driver on the client machine.
“Client accepted request but an error occurred while processing the com­mand.” • The ThinPrint Client gets no or not all properties from a native driver.
• You can ignore this message if important driver properties aren’t missing on the central print server.
• Otherwise, select the V-Layer print mode for the relevant printer (with Edit Printers on the relevant Connection) instead of Driver Free Printing (see Driver Free Printing vs. V-Layer vs. Native Printing), or install another driver on the cli­ent machine.
“No port information on ps1 availa­ble.” • Check whether a ThinPrint Engine with version 8.0 or later is installed on the target server.
• For ThinPrint Engine 9.0 and 10 the Management Center must have at least version 2.1.3 (= build version 2.2.434). On this, see also the quick installation guide.
• Check the validity of the ThinPrint license keys on the target server.
• Does at least one ThinPrint Port exist on the target server?
If no, recreate ThinPort:.
• Is the print spooler running on the target server?
“Installing printer … on printser­ver–02 failed. The parameter is incorrect. (No. 87) …” Check the validity of the ThinPrint license keys on the central print servers (see the columns Valid Until and Activated).
To avoid issues with Management Center licenses disable the Windows explorer option “Automatically search for network fold­ers and printers” per Policy for all PCs and / or users.
“Configuration could not be stored because of license restrictions.” Reduce the number of printers (see Deselecting printers) or install a ThinPrint license key which supports more printers.



Icons in treeview: A green checkmark on an icon (see below) indicates that the respective object has been tested successfully.

Icon Meaning
MC-icons-01.png Object status not yet tested (example)
MC-icons-00.png Object status tested successfully (example)

Icons for displaying ThinPrint Ports and printers in tables of Central Print Servers, Groups of Central Print Servers, Connections and Template Server:

Icon Object Status
management_center_icon_24.jpg ThinPrint Port
– icon with green checkmark
ThinPrint Port created on the target server
MC_Icon_Port_ohne_Häkchen.png ThinPrint Port
– icon without green check­mark
ThinPrint Port in the database but not yet created on the server
management_center_icon_29.jpg ThinPrint Port
– crossed icon
ThinPrint Port to be deleted
management_center_icon_30.jpg Printer
– icon with green checkmark
Printer object created on the target server
MC_Icon_Drucker_ohne_Häkchen.png Printer
– icon without green check­mark
Printer object in the database but not yet created on the server
management_center_icon_3300001.jpg Printer
– crossed icon
Printer object to be deleted


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