Configuring ThinPrint Client for HP Printers

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  • In the printer’s web console, select Configure ThinPrint Client in the Copy/Print tab.
ThinPrint Client configuration page

ThinPrint Client configuration page

The web console for the ThinPrint Client appears. This provides the following features for configuration:

Menu Function
Port  TCP port, on which the ThinPrint Client “listens”; default: 4000
Bandwidth (kbps) 

 bandwidth value (optional)

 must be smaller than, or equal to, the value in the ThinPrint Engine

 if the value is greater, or the client control has been deactivated on the server side, the server values will be used

Printer timeout (in s)

timeout if printing failed (in seconds)

Printer name  the name of the printer (for ThinPrint printing)
Printer driver 

the name of the printer driver (optional)

(info field for Management Services)

Comment  comments field for the printer name (optional)
Location  location information for the printer (optional)
Enable logging 

 enable logging for the ThinPrint Client (optional)

 the logs can be exported with the option Create zipped debug information file, found in the Troubleshooting→ Diagnostic Data menu, for sending to ThinPrint support for analysis (file format: .jdp).

Class name 

 printer class for AutoConnect (optional)

 the class name – in contrast to the printer name – must not be longer than 7 characters and can contain no spaces

Use encryption

 activate encrypted printing (optional)
Encryption can also be done with the newer TLS (instead of SSL).

 if enabled, the ThinPrint Client no longer accepts unencrypted print jobs

Import certificates 

 upload client certificates for ThinPrint printing (optional)

 see the section Importing certificates

Certificate select a client certificate for ThinPrint printing (optional)
Save save your entries
Reset  reset all settings to their default values


Exporting the ThinPrint Client log file

Exporting the ThinPrint Client log file


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