You receive an error message “timeout” while running a synchronization in 10.6. FR1. Most likely you observe this issue in larger customer environments with AD 1000+ users.
By default there is a timeout of 90 seconds defined 10.6. FR1.
If the synchronization process takes longer than the specified time, then it will result in the error message stated above.
You can work around that issue by modifying the following value in ADSync.js from 9e4 (90 sec) to 9e5 (900sec / 15min). (C:\Program Files\ThinPrint License Server\WebApps\fm\CPAspects\ADSync.js)
[…]$.ajax({url:n+ADSyncAspect.getUrl()+”/TP/SyncAdamWithAD”,timeout:9e4, type:i,traditional:t,success:function(n){n.Success?[ …]
You can also download this predefined ADSync.js where the timeout has been set to 15min.
- Copy ADSync.js to %PROGRAMFILES%\ThinPrint License Server\WebApps\fm\CPAspects\ADSync.js
- Restart IIS or recycle the IIS ApplicationPool “ThinPrint Administration Framework“
- Update the file TPPowershell.dll to version 10.6.103.x or higher.