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This cmdlet sets the Hub's EAP network authentication configuration for Ethernet (EAP = Extensible Authentication Protocol).


Set-TPHubNetworkIEEE802.1X [[-ClientCertDescription] <CertificateDescription>] -IsActive <bool> [-SelectedType {MD5 | TLS | TTLS | PEAP}] [-Username <string>] [-Password <string>] [-SelectedInnerAuthOption {PAP | CHAP | MSCHAPV2 | EAPMD5 | EAPTLS}] [-SelectedAuthOption {PEAPLABEL0 | PEAPLABEL1 | PEAPV0 | PEAPV1}] [-RootCertThumbprint <string>] [-ClientCertThumbprint <string>] [-AnnonymusUsername <string>] [-Proxy <string>]
Set-TPHubNetworkIEEE802.1X -Config <EapConfig> [-Proxy <string>]
-Configconfiguration specified by a variable
-AnnonymusUsernameanonymous username
-ClientCertDescriptiondescription for the Hub's client certificate
-ClientCertThumbprintclient certificate's thumbprint
-IsActiveEAP network authentication disabled/enabled, 0/1 = False/True
-RootCertDescriptiondescription for the Hub's root or intermediate certificate
-RootCertThumbprintroot or intermediate certificate's thumbprint
-SelectedAuthOptionouter authentication, 1/2/3/4 = PEAPLABEL0 | PEAPLABEL1 | PEAPV0 | PEAPV1
-SelectedInnerAuthOptioninner authentication, 1/2/3/4/5 = PAP | CHAP | MSCHAPV2 | EAPMD5 | EAPTLS
-SelectedTypeauthentication type, 1/2/3/4 = MD5 | TLS | TTLS | PEAP
-Usernameuser name, e. g. administrator 
-Proxy• optional (from firmware version 1.1): proxy server address
• can also be specified globally using Set-TPHubProxy


The following example reads the Hub's configuration of EAP network authentication, sets it to TLS and defines the associated certificates with their thumbprint (which were previously determined with Get-TPHubCertificate).

$eap = Get-TPHubNetworkIEEE802.1X 
$eap.IsActive = 1 
$eap.RootCertThumbprint = $thumbprint2 
$eap.ClientCertThumbprint = $thumbprint1 
$eap.SelectedType = 2 
Set-TPHubNetworkIEEE802.1X -Config $eap

ThinPrint Hub's PowerShell cmdlet Set-TPHubNetworkIEEE802.1X

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